Here are some informative and inspirational stories to teach you how to find work. The links below will help keep you ahead of the curve and hopefully foster job search success. You can engage with us today on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+.
4 Ways Volunteering Can Help You Find a Job by Kip Patrick
The more experience you have, the more valuable you are to prospective employers. We talk about ways to get experience in our section on Internships and Mentoring. Learn how to find work with the above article about the benefits of volunteering.
Recovering from accepting the wrong job
Picking the wrong job is a common occurrence. Instead of hating your current situation focus on how to move forward by not making the same mistakes in your job search. Check out the article above for some real world tips.
The LinkedIn Settings Mistakes Most People Make by Cheryl Conner
LinkedIn can be a very powerful tool, especially when trying to find a job. Crafting and managing the settings of your profile can be a daunting task. The above article highlights some important LinedIn settings to pay attention to.
The Career Boosting Benefits of Lifelong Learning by Nate Cooper
An important part of finding work is to continually improve yourself. The more you learn the more you can grow as a person and a professional. This article breaks down the benefits of lifelong learning.