Adventure Awaits
Welcome to the CareerFuel Community
The CareerFuel Community is a place to connect with others around issues related to your job search or small business. Contribute to your community by telling us about how someone landed a job or started a successful business (they could be a great story for our “How America Works” video and blog series!), and ask or answer questions. This is also the place to give us feedback on what you would like to see more or less of on CareerFuel.
Dare to live the life you’ve always wanted.
Talk to People in Your Communities
We’re here to help you navigate the increasingly complicated process of launching a website or native web app.
- Introduce Yourself! — Take a minute to say hello, give yourself a shameless plug and check out what the other new members are all about!
- Find a Job — Whether unemployed, working part-time, changing jobs, young or old, from the east coast or the Midwest, this is the place to share experiences and leads to help get you to that next job.
- College — As a job-force newbie, your needs are different. Learn how to network, get noticed, be prepared and get in the door by talking to others. Those who are well past college, feel free to jump into the conversation to help our future workers make their careers happen!
- Start a Business — Connect with others who are self-employed, doing a startup or own a small business to get recommendations for resources and ideas to make it happen.
Connect in Other Ways
The Ask & The Give
If you think about the networks that work best (your neighborhood, church, school classmates, etc.) they have one thing in common: most everyone is committed to helping when they can. We call this dynamic “the Ask and the Give”. Some members of the community pay it forward before they ever have an Ask while others desire a Give right away.
Our Ask at CareerFuel is that everyone be as helpful as they can be and respectful of the community… And keep contributing because an effective network takes nurturing and you never know when you might need it next! CareerFuel’s Give is to provide you with the best job and small business information we can, while responding to the changing needs of our community.